Friday, March 21, 2014

OMFG! It's a Post!

It's been a while since my last post, things have been a little...rough, these last couple of weeks. Despite that I don't have a ton of stuff to talk about. Osric continues to be a little terror, Corwin is still causing difficulties with the potty training, and Saffron has been singing and dancing to the tune of the Frozen movie, which we got on Tuesday.

I've officially told my bosses when my last day of work will be, so that's under the bridge now. We are still looking at going up to Washington around the end of May to find a place to stay, and our intention is to be moved up around mid June.

Last Saturday I had the day off, and we went to the Game Kastle Flea Market. Isabeau managed to find an expansion pack to Dominion, which is one of our favorite game. We picked up a second Black Lanner 'mech for her as well, but I have since discovered that it is missing the sprue that has its legs. I am going to have to take it back and see about exchanging it. This actually the second 'mech that we've gotten from Ironwind Metals that has been missing parts from the sealed pack.

As far as my personal haul from the flea market, I managed to score some pretty good stuff.

This is most of what I got. The current codex for the Orks, a box set of Gretchin (aka Grots) and a Runtherder, an Ork buggy, and a set of three Deffcoptas which I got for free from the guy who was selling the codex. I also got a box with a whole bunch of miniatures from another wargame, which I am going to see about selling on EBay.

A couple of close ups now.

This is the Ork Buggy. It may or may not be fairly old, but I only paid $2 for it so hey. I plan on removing the wheels and reattaching them so that they actually turn.

And these are the Deffcoptas, fully assembled. Pretty snazzy looking, actually. I was expecting them to be broken or needing repairs but they were actually in perfect condition.

That's all for today! I am planning on doing a write up about a new game that I got this week, called Bannered Saga. Hopefully I will have it done by Monday. If you like turn based tactical RPGs starring Vikings and Giants, where every decision you make can have long term consequences and it stars characters you can actually relate to and even like...then hurry up and by this game. Its on right now.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Ebay update and a nicely painted miniature

Not too much to say, I managed to sell all of the stuff I had posted and netted sixty bucks out of it. I am going to try and sell some books and another couple of miniatures that I have lying around.
Of course I have spent a LOT more on Ebay. I currently have my own decent army of Orks (about 41 all told including the Warboss. See him below). Plus chaos, dark angels marines, and token imperial guard.
And I'm not finished...yet.
Mainly I am looking for vehicles for the Orks, and maybe some more imperial guard footsloggers and vehicles.

Here is the Orky Warboss!

The picture doesn't show all the details, but I am quite happy with how he came out.
Especially his purple pants of doom. Also, his tunic. looks nice and filthy.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Damn, I did it again!

Things have been pretty damn dicey of late, especially around the markets. This last weekend was stressful enough that I just didn't have the energy to try and post something...Sorry!

News of note, things have been progressing in my Machine class. I have mostly been working on lathes, as our first project is 90% lathe work. It's been about equal in the frustrating and fascinating departments...many machines seem to be pretty rough around the edges and aren't very precise anymore which makes it challenging when your drilling to a specific depth and you have to rely on the machine to tell you how far you've gone. But I managed to finish all of the lathe work for that project last night, and I got to start on the next project which is all mill work.
I like the mills already. Not certain why yet, but maybe I just like how they work.

In related news, I have decided to drop my other machine class, the blueprints and math one. Not because it's difficult in the slightest, but because I am not getting anything at all of value out of the class. If I am going to sit in that decrepit room for 2 hours, I want to learn something damnit! The teacher can't teach, but seems to be making certain that everyone is going to pass the class.
So, yeah.
Fuck that.

I am going to try and have another post ready for Monday ahead of time, so look for another then!