Friday, May 16, 2014

Updates on moving and stuff

So far we are still trying to line up an apartment and it's been going slowly. I've gotten responses on two apartments that I've emailed, one just said thanks but we already filled it, the other was pretty promising but ultimately the corporate end wasn't comfortable with renting a two bedroom to a family of five...

So, we are going to broaden our search to include Bremerton (which is directly across the Puget Sound from Seattle, and is connect to it by a ferry), and points between Bremerton and Tacoma. Spots in Bremerton seem to be more inexpensive than Tacoma, so that's a plus.It'll mean a longer drive if we get jobs in Tacoma (about half an hour drive), but there is the prospect of Isabeau being able to work for the YMCA in Bremerton itself.

We are still hopefully going to be moving sometime between June 15th and July 1st. Though the heat here has me wishing I could go now...

Sometime in the first week of June I hope to take a trip by plane up to the area to look at apartments first hand. And finalize anything we might have lined up (hopefully).

I am still looking into anything that is entry level and related to machining and have applied to one place, but haven't heard anything back yet.

In school news, next Tuesday is my final! I am pretty pleased with this semester and I feel like I've got a good grasp of the principles. I am not worried about the final at all. My teacher has also complimented me on my ability to pick things up, and on my mechanical aptitude. He thinks I'll do pretty well for myself in the trade.

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